Sex Toys Basics You Should Never Ignore

86 Vistas

1 Jul 2022

By now you already know a thing or two about sex toys. That’s if you’re keen on using them or you have a partner who insists you should try them out. Chances are, you already know about the most common ones in the market – dildos, vibrators and anal beads. Beyond that, your knowledge of sex toys gets dimmer and dimmer. You shouldn’t feel bad really. That’s because it is hard, almost impossible to know everything about sex toys. You just learn new stuff every other day. The best you can do is learn the basics. Hygiene: It doesn’t matter if you’re into anal beads, dildos, vibrators or even suction pumps. As long as you have a sex toy, you should always maintain extremely high standards of hygiene. This applies even for sex toys you intend to use on your own. The stakes get even high if you’ll be using the toys with your partner. Fortunately, cleaning sex toys is really simple. All you need to do is have wet wipes with you. Wipe the toy before use and you’re good to go. Be sure to also wipe them clean after use. Always Read The Manual: Each sex toy you buy from will always come along with some form of instruction manual. Never assume you know everything. Read the instruction manual to fully understand how to use your desired sex toy. You don’t have anything to lose really because it’ll take you a minute or two to read the instruction manual. This applies even to small sex toys like anal beads. Lube It Up: You can never go wrong with lube. The reason is pretty obvious – lube makes things easier and of course slithery for easy penetration. That means more fun for you. Go for water based lubes as they’re easy to wash off sex toys. Looking for new sex toys? Try
